Mar 19, 2008 19:27
I am overwhelmingly, drastically, boggling in love with the haunted house. I've noticed that anywhere Jameslewis&Co reside quickly starts to accumulate vibrations of hippiedom, and those combined with friendly ghosty old lady inclinations creates a blend that is aesthetically pleasing in the extreme.
That sentence turned into an art gallery review a little bit there towards the end.
The thing: I have, in Forrest's words, "never doubted that ghosts are stupid". However. (HOWEVER.) Houses have undeniable personalities, and those are definitely and obviously colored by the building's residents, and these residents accumulate over the years, so that- even if spectral brides in black silk aren't necessarily floating about the place- a given old house certainly has more presence than a new one, and some have infinitely and palpably more presence than others.
Today, haunted or no, I think I made friends with the _____ house.
Either that or I had a spontaneous stroke that completely and conveniently erased my unusually intense breaking-and-entering related guilt.
Oh yeah. Another thing that needs saying:
Hey, Zak! You suck!
Love, Charlotte.