Dec 25, 2011 13:29
Just woke up from an interesting celebrity dream. I think this is a first for me.
I was in my house with my family and for some reason had water running from a hose that was out of control. I held it steady, then tried carefully setting it down to go turn it off. It started flailing around and I shouted to my brother to turn it off. He couldn't understand and took no action. Our electronics were in danger of being soaked. I ran back to the hose and secured it, trying to find somewhere to spray the water that would be least harmful.
I heatedly explained to my brother why the hose needed to be turned off, that the electronics and the carpet were going to be ruined, so he did and I started soaking up the mess with a small towel. I went outside to ring it out. For some reason we were upstairs and there were stairs everywhere, with children playing. I rang out the towel over the balcony and got some kids wet. I yelled out an apology to the children and assured them that it was clean water.
One kid came up and started arguing with me. I found his mother and started talking to her, explaining what happened. Owen Wilson showed up, wearing a hoodie with his face cast in shadow. I asked if that was his girlfriend, and he said yes. He asked her to walk the other way. I tried explaining the situation to him, that I wasn't trying to hit on her. I told him that I don't fight anymore, but I will if I must. He insisted.
I leaped into the air and spun, kicking out with both feet into his chest in a dramatic explosion. Now without segway I am a Sith Emperor talking to William Shatner on a pier. I say to him, "Your journey to the dark side is nearly complete" in an authentic, grisly Emperor Palpatine voice. I then converted him into a Sith Lord.
Something had happened earlier in the dream concerning the installation of cupboards, or the maintenance of cupboards. My brother was opening and closing two cupboard doors, as though trying to ensure their proper alignment. They were catching on the wood, or had been. He was opening and closing two separately, one with each hand, and I offered to help. He refused.