Sep 16, 2003 01:06
Well.. Got money for school, so its all good. Looking into joining the Navy, though I'm gonna snag my Assciotes first. I think. I need to wait a year at least before I can corrective surgery on my eyes, if I can at all. Which I need to get if I want to join the SEALS. Which I do, it is my sole perpose of joining the Navy...
If that pans out? Will just join the Navy or Marines, become a 'Firemane' or D/C (damage control) man or Master Sargent or something like that. The job hunt isn't going so well, but its going. Slowly, I don't think I will snag a job anytime soon though. Which blows, seriously it does. Ahh, well, need to get out Best Buy sometime soon and shit. Or something, get myself a job there.
Other then that? Life's been dull and boring, just chilling in my room.. Ohh, my bro (Isaac) is on his three month trip to Chilie.. Lucky bastard.. Anywho, later homles.