s'like my ipod's stuck on replay;

Mar 09, 2010 21:05

honesty meme

Step 1: Post this into your LJ publicly.
Step 2: Others will reply anonymously about what they really think of you.I know the last step is to cry at the brutal truth but crying is for sissies. And really, I am sure I'll understand if someone has something against me LMFAO ( Read more... )

public, anon, spam

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obtains March 10 2010, 02:46:57 UTC
Really? I wasn't aware I came off that way?

To be honest, I don't look down on anyone for showing emotion. I would be saying something extremely stupid if I went to someone and said "LOL DON'T CRY" because I cry, and I get insecure, and I get depressed just as much as the next person. I might say "be strong" or "chin up" but I don't mean that you can't cry or be frustrated or sad. i just don't want people to be sad, and yeah that won't happen because we all get upset and sad over something, but I want to be there for people.

I'm an optimist. I don't consider myself a BIG STRONG MAN but I also don't like to feel down about things so i force myself to cheer up. I do care, a lot more than you probably think, but the way i talk in my journal is more a way to reassure myself.

Maybe this isn't what you are completely getting at, and yeah like I said, I don't see it so i can't really agree or disagree with you. But thank you, I will try to keep that in mind. And I'm sorry if I come off that way, because as I have stated, that is not what I really mean.


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