the road that they walk on is paved with gold;

May 23, 2009 16:40

I noticed just how many people on my flist are graduating from high school (and some out of college) so I decided to be gay and make you all a little something.

awww riiiight. Music for the grads (and anyone else who wants some free stuff)

❥ 1. 2nd Period: Shoot Down the Stars-Gym Class Heroes

So take a step back,
and a breath in.
Let it out now.
Put your chin up.
You can do it tiger,
you a man now.
And in your dream it's time to do
the best you can now

❥ 2. Exitlude-The Killers

We’ve seen it all:
bonfires of trust, flash floods of pain.
It doesn’t really matter, don’t you worry,
it’ll all work out.
No, it doesn’t even matter, don’t you worry
what it’s all about

❥ 3. Farewell to All My Friends-Oh No! Oh My!

Farewell to all my friends
who i will never see again.
You have made me who I am.
It's perfectly unclear
where I will be this time next year.
Let's fight fire with my fear
then run away

❥ 4. The Remedy (I Won't Worry)-Jason Mraz

The remedy is the experience.
This is a dangerous liaison.
I say the comedy is that it's serious.
This is a strange enough new play on words.
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
the rest of your nights with the light on.
So shine the light on all of your friends
when it all amounts to nothing in the end.
I won't worry my life away.

❥ 5. For All the Hufflepuffs-The Remus Lupins

lmfao just listen to it

❥ 6. In My Life-The Beatles

There are places I'll remember
all my life though some have changed.
Some forever not for better.
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places have their moments
with lovers and friends I still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living.
In my life I've loved them all

❥ 7. Somewhere Out There-An American Tail

Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight.
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
that we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there.
And even though I know how very far apart we are
tt helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.

❥ 8. The Way-Fastball

Anyone could see
the road that they walk on is paved in gold.
And it's always summer, they'll never get cold.
They'll never get hungry.
They'll never get old and gray.
You can see their shadows
wandering off somewhere.
They won't make it home
but they really don't care.
They wanted the highway.
They're happy there today, today

❥ 9. Why Should I Worry?-Billy Joel

I'm streetwise,
I can improvise.
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
I'm streetsmart,
I've got New York City heart!

Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
I may not have a dime,
but I got street savoire faire.
Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
It's just bebopulation,
and I got street saviore faire.

❥ 10. Hakuna Matata-The Lion King
Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze.
It means no worries for the rest of your days.
It's our problem-free philosophy.
Hakuna Matata!

Good luck in all your future endeavours my bbs ♥
You can download it here!

music, school, friends

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