Feb 21, 2009 23:59
Okay so! Friend's cut. It was done for reasons such as inactive journals, journals of people I don't even remember anymore, or people I just don't connect with. I feel like some people and I just didn't click and it was more of a mutual thing because I'm not putting in as much effort into knowing you either and for that, well it happens I suppose.
Anyone who wants to try again is welcome to cunt punt me and tell me to put them back on my flist, and all that jazz IDC, I like knowing people. Also I might have accidentally cut people because I'm a derp HURR HURR
Ahhh, finally making progress on P4 though, but I never did get to laundry. I think I need to do all of my hw tomorrow and get laundry done early because I bought myself a ticket to go see Coraline in 3D and since I don't like wasting $15 on just one movie, I am going to movie hop. The next showing of Friday the 13th is playing right after Coraline lets out so I'll just sneak my way into there like we did during NYCC.
I'm feeling better but now I really want some ice cream and there is none bawwwwww. Maybe I'll have tea instead.
Carly might be coming to see me in early May. Orrrrrrrgaaasssssssmmmm