Nov 23, 2011 00:48
It’s all garlicy and salty and smelly and spicy if you like that sorta stuff, and it means “whore pasta!” I love to make it when I’m feeling sad and loser-ish, because it’s super easy and tastes like only a badass could have made it. This’ll probably make more sauce than you can eat in one sitting, so leftovers!
Enough spaghetti for your badass self
One 2 lb 3oz can whole peeled Italian plum tomatoes
A few Tbsps olive oil
A couple spoonfuls of capers
1/4 cup tiny black olives (I used kalamata and no salt)
4 anchovy fillets, coarsely chopped (can be eliminated if you’re vegetarian, but you should totally keep them in if you’re not, no fears, they totally dissolve and just make the sauce taste meaty and even more salty)
2 cloves garlic, chopped however ( double this)
oregano, dried red pepper flakes and parsley to taste (I like a lot of red pepper flakes!)
and, to be sure that you’re overdosing on it, 1 tsp salt
Start the water for the pasta and heat some oil in a big saucepan.
Open the can of tomatoes, take the biggest scariest knife you’ve got and slice an X through the contents, slicing all the tomatoes roughly in half. Get your mitts in there and squeeze some of the juice out of those tomato halves, but hold on to the can of juice til the end in case you need to make the sauce wetter.
While the pasta cooks, put the tomatoes in the skillet on medium-high heat and bring them to a full-ass boil, add the rest of the ingredients one at a time, stirring a bunch
Reduce heat a little and keep cooking it til it’s the consistency you like.
Serve right away over the hot pasta. Consume with too much red wine and a movie you’ve always wanted to watch