Fic: A Strong Confederate (In My Bold Design) Masterpost

Jun 30, 2011 12:03

Title: A Strong Confederate (In My Bold Design)
Pairing: Jared/Jensen/Misha
Ratings: NC-17
Word Count: ~26,000
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and I claim no special knowledge of the actors on whom these characters are based. I very much suspect that they aren't journalists in their free time, though.
Warnings: Off-screen character death (non-pairing), permanent injury (not disfiguring).
Acknowledgements: I owe debts of gratitude to a number of people in relation to this fic. Thanks are due to cherie_morte for her fabulously helpful (and entertaining!) beta and to ordinaryink for her beautiful artwork and enthusiastic capslock emails. :D Thanks also to _mournthewicked, my alpha, without whose cheerleading and loving abuse I would never have finished this. Finally, thanks to wendy and thehighwaywoman for running this challenge so adeptly once again. That I'm grateful to my lovely helpful f-list should go without saying -- even if I did just say it anyway. Oh, well. ♥

Summary: When Jensen first meets Jared and Misha, they're all young and lucky, thrown together in a sought-after journalistic internship that proves as intense a bonding experience as a term in the Army. When the internship ends, though, it seems like everything starts to fall apart. A job opportunity takes Misha overseas while Jared and Jensen rise in rank at the news station, but every career success seems accompanied by a crushing personal blow. All Jensen wants is for the three of them to be happy again, but it isn't until an accident brings Misha home that Jensen sees what's been building between himself and Jared all these years, and why Misha is a fundamental third component.

. part one . part two . part three . art . soundtrack .
. PDF (some art) .

rpf, big bang, rating: nc-17, rps, jared/jensen/misha, threesome, strong confed'rate, spn, fic, slash, supernatural

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