Tiny, untitled piece of Shatnoy smut, culled from the kinkmeme.
They have learned to be quick about it.
Back against the door of the stall, jeans unzipped, breath short and quick; hurry hurry hurry 'cause De's getting another round in and it took them more effort to drag him out here than they care to remember; Len's mouth on Bill's throat; Bill's hand in Len's pants; dirty filthy breathless tingle of guilt between their legs. They move fast, savagely; quick fingers - hot skin - smooth slick-sticky glide: Len's fuck - fuck - fuck against the hollow of Bill's throat. Coming hard and quietly, lips bitten, legs shaking; it is all so horribly familiar, so 1969 in that neon-lit bar downtown. Bill's hand in Len's hair, disarranging it the way he always does; Len's fingers in Bill's mouth, afterwards, emerging clean.
God, they are good at this.
When they leave the bathroom, they're neat and sharp and clean: ordinary. De, setting three beers on the table, doesn't notice a thing.