(no subject)

Oct 31, 2011 23:24

Omg. A whole six months after I started planning it out, Prohibition!J2, aka my rpf_big_bang fic The Moon Is New, is finally posted: here. Please not to be expecting any plot, but there is lots of Jensen in a Fedora.

And now that that's done, I think I'm justified in going back to laughing delightedly at this video:

image Click to view

I KNOW YOU HAVE ALL SEEN IT ALREADY, probably, but omg, THEIR WEE EMO FACES! DEAN'S SINGING! THE FACT THAT IT IS TWO FULL MINUTES OF CRYING AND HUGS! Gee, I wonder why more men don't watch this show. :/ It reminds me of this Kirk/Spock vid in that I feel like it's meant to be a joke, mostly, but there's still this little part of me that isn't completely sure, and then another part again that's just thinking 'Jesus Christ, this is really -- I mean, this is really really gay when you see it assembled like this.' OH SHOW.

I was going to do a reaction post to 706, but then I realised that I probably couldn't actually fill a post.


<----- my reaction.

So, yep. There had better be a boatload of fic springing from that episode. sparseparsley has already written this piece of brilliance, but I am not sated.

How are you, flist? :DDD

rpfbb, not a fanwork

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