Oct 17, 2008 00:03
I was contacted by Gallup or some other polling organization today. It was long and tedious and then at one point the nice lady posed this statement and asked me to say whether it better described Obama or McCain: "Which candidate is tough enough to keep us safe?"
I laughed. Then the nice lady on the phone started laughing a little too. I believe she also realized what a ridiculous question it is...to imply in order to be safe we need a macho dirt-kicker who swings his dick around and walks with a swagger. I had to answer, although I protested, so I answered neither.
I'm trying not to get too excited, or too optimistic about the possibilities of an Obama presidency. It's justified though I think to be thrilled that despite the obstacles, regular people do still retain some power in this country, evidenced by the fact that the guy who's probably going to become the next President scares the shit out of the powerful few who have a great deal riding on the maintenance of the status quo, and spend a great deal to make sure it's maintained. But Obama was a grass-roots movement--an activist--funded and advanced by other activists. I'm partial to that, I guess because it's what I do for a living. Plus, every activist I know is doing it for the right reasons (ie. not money, chics, or fame).
I don't often pay too much attention to what Chris Matthews says, but tonight he said something that intrigued me. He characterized McCain's attacks on Obama as his lacking a "patriotic impulse."
Patriotic impulse. I like that. Looking at it one way, the word impulse accurately conveys the reflexive, non-thinking, anti-intellectual bent of the American exceptionalism crowd. Impulsive. "A propensity to act other than rationally." You don't have to think, just follow your impulse; your gut, your reflex regardless of any facts. You're obviously a terrorist if you dare give a second thought to the notion that we're always right and they're always wrong and we're more important and more blessed than anyone and everyone. 'They' being, anyone who's not just like me. I think most people believe actions should be guided by facts and good judgment, not impulse.