Sorry for imposing on you...

Apr 02, 2006 21:19

I can't get over how good today was. Seriously folks, we all need days like the one I just had and they are so few and far between. I had a really interesting talk with my mom this morning about anthroposophy and always questioning stuff, even when it's something you've believed in for years and years. Then I apinted the trim in my bathroom for a while while pumping the tuunes. Honestly, painting is just an excuse for listening to music. People don't "just" listen to music anymore. They put it on as background while they talk or read or hang out with friends. I'm just as guilty as everyone else, though I have to admit, talking with someone while good music is on is damn hard. I also did laundry and got to fold it. I know this sounds weird, but I loooove doing laundry. There's just something about cleaning clothes and putting them away that makes me so satisfied. Then as soon as I was done that my dad and I went online and starting filling out my application for a British Passport. it was really confusing, but strangley enough neither of us seemed to mind and instead were very good humoured about it. While we were at it I got a call from Daniel asking if i wanted to go on a hike. I didn't feel like doing the same old thing so after I was done with my passport stuff for the day I looked in "Don't Waste your Time in the Kootenays" for a trip around here that we could do in the shoulder season and came up with a nice little hike in Robson. Neither Daniel or I had ever been there before so we loaded up in his car with a bunch of CDs and headed out. As we were driving the sun came out and when we took the turn off we realised that we really should have done this a long time ago. It was so beautiful. Robson was so tiny and quaint. Then we got to the the park and after some confusion found the trail. It wasn't as long as was promised but there was a really amzing look out that we sat at for a while and had a heart to heart until we got cold. The view was unbelievable, and this coming from someone who has lived in the Kootenays for most of her life. Completely stunning. Of course it didn't hurt either that the light was all pretty and golden and whatnot and the birds were finally back in town after a winter hiatus. Then we drove back through Robson and Daniel, who was in the navigators seat started yelling "What the hell was that!?" I wasn't sure, having been watching the road, so we swung around and took another look. Turkeys. It was Daniel's first time seeing a turkey, and he was both stunned and amazed. "How could anyone eat them, they're so cool!" "Yeah, i said, they're really aggresive though, and stupid like you wouldn't believe." They were pretty though. Once we got back on the main highway I decided that we should live life to the fullest and take a back road home. You know how people always lose their way when they do that and end up having to go back and go by the highway after all? Didn't happen. I actually went the right way for once and it was so beautiful. The sun was setting over the canal, and we were listening to some blissful tunes. That's when I realised how good this day was. When I got home my sis had made an awesome dish for dinner, straight out of the Whitewater kitchens, then afterwards we all sat around the table telling stories about the funny things we've done as little kids. Scott told a story about working in a grocery story and watching this one little kid sneeze and a rocket come shooting out of his nose. Actually. Like a toy rocket. Then his mom comes over and says "Oh my god, we've been looking for that rocket for three months!" Gnarly. And now I'm here, ignoring my homework and dreaming about the future. I can't believe how good this day was.
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