Mar 19, 2012 17:15
So I was going through my to-write pile and I was mildy horrified and dismayed to see how long it's been since I was ready to share a chapter of TibS. Six months?!? And it's been three for Wanderers. *facepalm* I truthfully haven't been feeling up to the epic mer!Gojyo. I know where I'm going with it, more or less, but I've kind of written myself into an awkward spot, and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've had a pretty clear idea as to what happens now, but now that I've been turning it over for months, I'm not happy with it, which means a re-write or a re-direct...or both. It's hard for me to pinpoint what it is, exactly, that's bothering me about what I've got down.
Anyway. I'm working hard on the next piece of Wanderers right now instead; maybe that will help me work through the TibS block. Maybe I should just write some meaningless porn before I do anything else. (I'm gearing up for sex in several stories, and my porn-fu is feeling kind of rusty...)
I'm also trying to come up with a real title for the Kanan reboot. I'm at the point in that story where I'm ready to start posting on AO3 as well, and that means I need a title. Therefore, I've been skimming dictionaries, poetry books, and anything else I can think of that might catch my eye with a relevant word or phrase. I try to have titles be relevant, but not necessarily dead-on, meaning-wise. I kind of tend to wait around for the heavens to open up and the angels to start singing, you know? I'll just be wobbling along, researching and/or thinking furiously about a title for whatever it is that I need a title for, and eventually it will hit me! BAM! And I'll say to myself, "This is it!!! It's perfect! It encompasses everything I wanted the title to convey!" It's just the interim, the waiting for that "this is perfect" moment that's so hard.
Anywho, back to the dual grindstones of writing and cooking dinner.