Day 20

Feb 20, 2012 23:09

Okay. So I planned to have everything done to put out the final chapter of The Broad-Ford Crow, but it didn't happen. (Soon, though! ^_^) And given that that was the only thing I worked on today, I'm (kind of) cheating for the daily post today.

A while back, I'd toyed with one of the anon kink meme prompts, wherein Hakkai is grievously injured and Gojyo has to cope/kick ass/comfort/whatever, because the poster noticed there were a lot of grievously injured Gojyo and vengeful Hakkai prompts. I never got past the first page. (I found this one floating around in a folder where it did not belong...) Anyway, here it is! Rated R, I think, for the violence (read: post-torture Hakkai) and the language.


When Hakkai's eyelids cracked open, Gojyo's heart stopped. His left eye was blue. That whole half of Hakkai's face was bruised, like someone had held him down with a hand and…Gojyo wanted to vomit. Hakkai's throat worked, but it took him a cough and a minute of rest before he could speak loud enough for Gojyo to hear.

"I'm sorry," said Hakkai.

"Shh," said Gojyo. "Don't talk. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

He looked around the room and, after rifling through drawers and cupboards, found Hakkai's clothing. Fuck if he was going to leave Hakkai naked. He could maybe get his pants back onto him and save the rest for later, after Hakkai was safe, after they were all safe.

Hakkai lay motionless on the exam table, though his feet twitched feebly away from Gojyo's touch. Shit. The soles of his feet were black and blue and scabbed. Gojyo maneuvered him as carefully as he could and got the pants up to the backs of Hakkai's knees.

"Come on, Hakkai," said Gojyo. "Lean on me and we'll see if we can get you dressed."

"I don't think I can walk," said Hakkai.

"Just try to sit up, yeah?" said Gojyo.

And that was when Gojyo saw how thoroughly they'd worked over the rest of Hakkai, too. He hadn't looked this bad from the front, but the back of him was one solid bruise, layered with cuts and scrapes and raw patches that still bled sluggishly.

"Shit," said Gojyo.

"I'm afraid I may be bleeding internally," said Hakkai. "It's hard to tell. My qi is exhausted, and the rest of me isn't much better."


I'm left wondering to myself whose eyeball, precisely, got stuck in Hakkai's face. Ah well. It's the beauty of an unfinished story, isn't it?

Also, you can thank Ann McCaffrey for the foot torture thing. It's something that I have recalled vividly, time and again, that came up in the second book of her Pegasus (Talent) trilogy. One of the main characters gets kidnapped and her feet are beaten in an attempt to get her to talk. *shudder* Apparently the bottoms of the feet are one of the most sensitive parts of the body. All I know is that if it hurts like fuck-all to step on a lego or to stub a toe, deliberate injury's got to be super bad

Fingers crossed, between work and errands and everything else tomorrow holds, I may be able to finally, finally finish The Broad-Ford Crow. And if I do, I'm going to cross-post it everywhere I can think of! (That'll be what, the second ever thing I've finished for the saiyuki_wk_au comm? XD )



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