Day 11: something different!

Feb 11, 2012 20:06

I didn't write anything today, and I'm probably not going to in the three-ish hours until I go to bed.

But! I was creative today! I finished a quilt, destined for the local chapter of  Project Linus. It's suitablly gender neutral (though I think it probably should go to a boy, because no one likes to make quilts for boys, from what I've heard) and it's big enough for a single-size bed (so I'm thinking it will probably end up on a teenage boy's bed.)

If I could find my camera, I'd take pictures, but it seems to be lost in the morass of the living room. (And besides which, my LJ's a freebie account, so I'd have to host the pictures elsewhere and link to them, which I am, generally speaking, too lazy to do.) It's a modified attic windows pattern, done in orange-y red and black and a blue-background koi pond print. I'm really pleased, overall, considering this is the first full-size quilt I've ever done. (I've done a baby quilt before in eye-dazzling red-white-black, which as it happens was a more traditional attic windows, and that's the sum total of my finished quilt-making.)

If I find my camera before I drop the quilt off, I'll take pictures!

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