My sole accomplishment today

Dec 12, 2010 00:09

My brains are fried and all I've got is this lousy paragraph. -_-

He hated the smell of her--vaguely sweetish, a hint of powder from her makeup, a touch of metal from her jewelry or maybe from the way she'd bitten her nails down to the quick one too many times, permanent flecks of rusty red around the nailbeds. It was hard to tell, what with the way her scent clung to him for so long after, the way it hung in a room long after she'd gone. Cloying.

I'm a bit frustrated: I was all set to spend a significant amount of time writing today...and nothing happened. I messed about a bit with the sci-fi Saiyuki stuff and got nowhere. I don't know. Maybe it's the impending holidays getting in the way.

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