Fantasia Movies

Jul 12, 2011 01:24

Sorry for the messy formatting, It seems Open Office and FB don't get along :(
Hit me up if you want to join me for anything :)

Here's my list of things I really want to see:

a horrible way to die JA 21:30:00 TH

a lonely way to die H 17/19:00 SU

JA 22/15:10 F

absentia JA 28/21:45 TH

JA 29/14:50 F

Article 12 JA 30/16:30 SA

die JA 18/21:30 M

Chop JA 14/21:25 TH

15/23:55 FR



23/11:45 Sat

Horny House of Horror H 29/23:55 FR

Les Levres Rouge C 29/19:00 FR

Little Deaths JA 29/19:30 FR

Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ryano JA 21/21:45 TH

23/17:00 SA

Theatre Bizzare H 16/21:00 SA

Victims JA 20/22:00 W

23/12:00 Sat

Wasted on the young JA 27/21:55 W

The Woman H 02/21:45 TU

Phantom of the Opera PDA 06/19:30 SA

07/19:30 SU

Nothing purchased yet, but DJ XL5, Theatre BIzzare, Chop and HOrny House are pretty definite "will go see's"

Here's my "maybe" list

bas fonds JA 02/22:00 TU

04/21:15 TH

beyond the black rainbow JA 29/17:20 F

birthright JA 19/21:40 TU

bleak night JA 17/19:40 SU

captain america JA 06/11:00 SA

catechism cataclysem JA 30/14:30 SA

cold sweat JA 30/23:55 SA

JA 07/19:30 SU

detention H 22/21:00 FR

don't be afraid of the dark H 04/21:15 TH

el sanatorio JA 22/17:15 FR

el sol JA 16/2130 SA

exit JA 06/19:30 SA

foxy festival H 28/21:45 TH

Frankenstein 2k C 30/19:00 SA

Ilsa, She Wolf S 22/23:55 FR

Invasion of Alien Bikini S 01/21:45 M

Karaoke Dreams H 05/23:30 FR

Kill me please JA 23/19:30 SA

Knifepoint JA 16/23:55 SA

NinJA Kids! H 16/15:40 SA

Panique C 23/19:00 SA

battle royale H 23/23:55 SA

24/11:30 SU

Quirky Guys & Gals JA 03/21:45 W

Rabies H 29/21:20 FR

Stake Land H 30/16:55 SA

Superheroes JA 16/19:15 SA

Surviving Life JA 30/19:00 SA

31/13:10 SU

Tomie Unlimited H 31/15:40 SU

Voltaire: Puppet Master DB CLARK 05/20:00 FR

fantasia, fun, movies

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