I am so incredibly restless, I feel like school should be burning up more energy than it has but it's not the kind of thing my energy wanted to be burned by. I think I want to travel again...visit another place, hell, even move into another house. It's been itching at me for a couple of months now but I have only been able to verbalize it within the last month or so. In Gainesville it was so easy when I got The Itch when I lived alone. I would just pickup when my lease was up and choose another apartment to go to, even after I found Lionel it wasn't that hard to convince him to move semi regularly, but now that we are in a house it's harder. We have a pretty decent deal but I can't help feeling like...I want something new. Something different! I'll eventually manage to choke it down, but not without some serious home redesigning. It's already started with the back room. I turned it into a study-guest room last month - just in time for fall semester. I've already gotten the go ahead to toss out the entertainment center as soon as I find a good one to replace it with and for the first time ever I am considering a wardrobe. Archaic, right? heh, I just need to change things up, I'm burning for it.
Burning Burning Burning.
Always in the Fall I Burn.
Dragoncon 2009 was the best it's been yet and I only look forward to the future cons. It was really different having brought friends along, we usually don't do that. Of course, it was different because one of those friends is also a boyfriend, but the experience was definitely different all around. I never ran into
Heidi but they both did and got photos of her. Damn she always looks great. ;) Jason, Lionel, and I got invited into an impromptu room party with our next hotel door neighbors which ended up being pretty fun despite little skinny mac game designer hitting on me while I am between two very handsome men. No accounting for determination right? ;)
Caroline was a nonstop party animal and I think she might have found a place she feels really good in. I know she must have felt damn sexy and her costumes ended up being very successful, for which I am very happy. Con is always more fun when you are out strutting your stuff and you feel damn sexy and people make sure you know it. She's already thinking about next year.
I had a private party of my own, two of the nights, which was also very good... ;) I'm glad we had the second room, though I doubt we'll have that kind of privacy next year.
I got two corsets and a cincher while there - I will be posting pictures of later. One of a beautiful red and black silk corset which accentuates oh so nicely, and the other is a black leather D-Ring corset. Can you guess what that is for? ~grin~ While getting fitted for that I met some interesting folks who have offered to, ahh, help me into exploring some things. I was given the url www.fetlife.com to peruse and some names to get me started. ~wicked smile~ Definitely an interesting con for me.
I reserved a Hyatt room already, I will be trying for the Marriott in October since they have not opened up official reservations yet. Caroline, you should remind your friends to do the same - the couple you met through the writing workshop that we went out with? They'll want to reserve now, all the hotels except the Marriott are reserving now.
Must make a note to get some cards made for next year with contact information on it so I can easily keep in touch with folks I like...I regret not hanging out with the Michael kid from Munchkin. Man, Munchkin is a fun game!! I also ended up getting Anima - both the original and expansion, and Jason got Booty Munchkin, SPANC, another Munchkin game, and the corresponding expansions. He also got an expansion to Descent, and a few other things. He missed out on getting a game called Spoils, but I am sure we will find it for him. I have finally succumbed....I bought my first dice. ~shifty-eyed look~ I am on a downward spiral into true geek-nerddom.
I got a ton of artwork, SEVERAL books - I also got signatures from Kevin J. Anderson and S. Kenyon! I missed out on Kat Richardson, Charlaine Harriss, S.M. Stirling, Jeane C. Stein, and a few others because there is always so much to do at con. I only managed to get Kenyon the last day while everyone else was checking out.
Amazing con...life is good, even with the ups and downs. In November we will be going to West Palm Beach with Caroline - maybe I will invite Jason - I haven't decided yet...we'll see how things go. I'm not sure if it would be appropriate since it's been years since I've been down to see Grams. In December we'll be heading to Chicago to see the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds Concert. ;) I got the special seats that included signed copies of the cd, a meet n greet with Nobou - the FF composer of only MAJOR repute ;p, and seats right up front. I am teh awesome! This year makes up for last years utter crappiness.
Wow this is getting long...
Couple of photos from the con. Will post more eventually. My facebook also has the albulm that has more of these.