Mar 06, 2007 15:41
sparkILLz (2:56:33 PM): BUGGABOO!! *tackles*
sparkILLz (2:57:25 PM): teeheeeee
SM0K3 S3XY (2:57:42 PM): *giggle*
SM0K3 S3XY (2:58:13 PM): Oh noes, this is how all of our IMs are going to be, isn't it? ^_^
sparkILLz (2:58:18 PM): If not than close
SM0K3 S3XY (2:58:33 PM): Heh, yeppers!
sparkILLz (2:58:55 PM): I'm dancing in a circle
SM0K3 S3XY (2:59:15 PM): Yay! I'm spinning in my chair
sparkILLz (2:59:14 PM): wooooot
sparkILLz (2:59:14 PM): man
sparkILLz (2:59:18 PM): we need to hang out more often
sparkILLz (2:59:19 PM): lol
SM0K3 S3XY (2:59:27 PM): Oh boy... Hehe
And yes, my new AIM name is sm0k3 s3xy... teehee!