^^ I definitely shall find more, if I possibly can. I am glad that you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for the translation....google only deals with the recent forms of each language, so it was impossible for it to translate more than every tenth word, or somesuch. XD I also prefer human translations because they seem to take into account poetic structure, flexibility of expression/context, etc.
"Entre moi et mon amin,
between me and my lover (beloved?)
en un boix k'est le Betune,
in a wood that is le Betune (place?)
alainmes juwant mairdi
we play mairdi (tuesday? married?)
toute lai nuit a la lune,
all the (song?) night of the moon
tant k'il ajornait
just until the day
et ke I'alowe chantait
and that (he?) sings
ke dit: ,,amins, alons an",
who says lover(beloved?) come here (a year?)
et il respont doucement:
and he responds/replies softly/gently
"ll n'est mie jours,
it is not (a million?) days
saverouze au cors gent,
savoring(knowing?) of short men (of the course of men?)
si m'ait amors,
if it is love (to me)
I'alowette nos mant."
the lark lies(?) to us
Adont ce trait pres de mi,
so the trait/feature close to me (half?)
et je fu pas anfruine;
and i do not know (can not do?) anfruine
bien trois fois me baixait il,
then three times he kissed me
ainsi fix je lui plus d'une,
and then fixed i took nor more than one (i took one more?)
k'ainz ne m'anoiait.
that he did not annoint me
adonc vocexiens nous lai
so we voice our song
ke celle nuit durest sant,
that this night lasts a hundred (health?)
mais ke plus n'alest dixant:
but that it does not leave ten years
chorus again:
"ll n'est mie jours,
saverouze au cors gent,
si m'ait amors,
I'alowette nos mant."
I'm basing my guesses largely on the sounds of the words as opposed to their spelling. Turtle likes it baggins. Please find more.
Thank you so much for the translation....google only deals with the recent forms of each language, so it was impossible for it to translate more than every tenth word, or somesuch. XD I also prefer human translations because they seem to take into account poetic structure, flexibility of expression/context, etc.
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