Dec 11, 2006 02:50
Little moments like that cause such ease in my head.
I thought that something would change. I let the
seriously-lacking-foundation idea consume one or two of my daydreams.
Change. Something. Anything. Both in my fantastical and reality-bound worlds.
But, who would have guessed? Nothing changed.
Was i supposed to feel different? Because i don't.
My stomach dips at the thought of it.
But otherwise it's all gravy.
So this weekend.
I listened to my companions panic about
a possible upstairs intruder as i twitched mindlessly
before a bowl of cereal.
My slack-jawed expression accompanied by a pair of
cloudy eyes told enough of a story.
But for once i wasn't so disappointed. Or agonizing over other thoughts.
Another very happy birthday dedicated to kassy.