This morning I rounded up all the spare change from my pockets and from under the sofa cushions, with the intention of heading to the Dunkin' D to enjoy a donut and a cup of tea while I perused the Sunday want ads for prospective part-time positions holding the potential to line my pockets with some extra cash... ok, not extra so much, since the coffers are pretty nigh empty... The donut was intended to make this a "fun" or at least semi-gratifying excursion.
Now last summer some
rambunctious little urchin ran under my feet while I was carrying a bunch of stuff down the stairs, giving me a nasty twist and a torn ligament in my left ankle. They say those tears never really heal... So this a.m. I'm walking along, and turn my head for just a second to greet one of the neighborhood when I hit an uneven spot in the pavement that I swear was kinda on par with the Grand Canyon of sidewalk chasms... One graceless stumble later and a searing pain up my left leg pretty much told the story of "gee I've just managed to make that worse, haven't I?" So now my ankle is swollen to elephantitis proportions. It's very pretty. You're lucky my camera's on the fritz.
Anyway, I decided maybe a bagel was the more practical option.