I just wanted to let you know that Starbucks now offers the same wide range of milk choice for soymilk drinkers. You no longer need ask only for a "soy latte". It can be an unsweetened soy latte, a vanilla soy latte or an original soy latte. I have not asked for organic unsweetened soy decaf latte.
By the way, if anyone knows the correct order to speak these atrocities, let me know.
Is it "a tall unsweetened soy decaf latte?"
"Tall decaf unsweetened soy latte?"
"A decaf tall unsweetened soy latte?"
I have read that my local Starbucks down at U-Village is one of the 5 busiest Starbucks in the world. There is always a line of 10 at least and you can never find a table without vulturing a mom with kids or staring down a college-student until they move sideways a bit to share the grotty table they've been camping at all day.
This busy-ness is the only excuse I can think of for them always getting my order wrong. As a result I make sure I repeat the important bits a few times, probably driving them nuts. As in:
"A tall decaf soy latte with unsweetened milk."
"That will be $3.25"
"Okay, [getting my debit card out] did I say soy milk?"
"Yes, a tall soy latte"
"It was decaf, right?"
And when it comes off the production line and stands a moment among the mocha syryp frappachinos and cappuchino with soy I make very sure that all the vital signs are ticked.
It is a great fear of mine that
Wren will get caffeinated and refuse to sleep for hours and hours.