Apr 02, 2004 01:06
Ever since I started going to math class in college, I started smoking pot before
to see how it would feel to be high and doing math.
The results were pretty good. I started enjoying class much more, writting numbers now wasn't so boring. It was like art. Looking at numbers going certain places and making sense. It was like appreciating a different part of my brain. Because really, I am firstly into thoughts, not numbers.
Anyhow, not only the classes were fun, but my grades were all A's. That's never happened in my math high-school/middle school/elementary school math career before.
Sometimes I'd have a test that was supposed to be really hard, barely try it and still get an A.
With that in mind, I had the idea of writing a book on how smoking pot triggered part of my brain to think a little more than usual. To try. And the idea of publishing this book was to help legalization of weed.
But all of the sudden I started thinking about taxes, and realized, that may be the legalization of weed wouldn't be so good after all. Would prices may be rise?
We all dream about the day that weed will be legal but is it a good idea to let the government make the ground rules for weed?