Me and some other people in the die_shinya (including SAKU-CHAN!) community are doing a round-robin fic. Here is the summary and link to the prolouge.
Title: Ghost
Chapters: ??? Not sure yet ???
sakurareyuuenGenre: [Angst, Romance, Drama]
Ratings: [NC-17]
Pairings/Characters: DiexShinya
Synopsis: They loved each other. He couldn't love him. He Tried to stop from falling. The Teasing didn't help. He hated himself.
Comments: ^^...The Authors will go in this order
obsessovermana stephanielin kiku_kitten lilshinyadesu and
nelly_d and then to me again ^^. Oh, and I hope everyone can forgive me for such short chaps T T;;...I'm terribly sorry....*Goes stand in corner*
Prolouge Saku-chan likes to tease the DiexShinya fans. Like: "Oooh, I'm about to kiss you!" then she'll go: "I'll be back in a couple days, BYE!" and everyone will go: "BUT... BUT... YOUUUUUUUU STOP TEASING US!!!!!!!"
Aw crap, I'm next. x___X
Hmmm... Kanon stroking... o.O;; He was humping it before (I swear).