YeeeeeeeHaaawwwwww! I'm in complete and utter agreement, Kayla. As a Christian, these people are a total disgrace for everything I stand for, and everything my messiah stands for. I'm insulted to be put in the same statistic as these people. It's sickening, blasphemous, and utterly irrelevant to all that has to do with daily life. We should take all those stupid fucking hypocrites, ship them into New Orleans, and see how much God favors them over homosexuals once they're being gunned down by their own kind.
Actually, it was the only exclamation I could think of to fully support the burst of positive emotion I felt whilst reading your flippantly politically correct lj. Ha, pull out your Dictionary for THAT reply!
I know Shinya! Well, I know your fan fic version...I guess that doesn't really count. I like my new icon. It spins. WHEEEEE! And it's frightening. I've been studying wicca a lot lately in preparation for a book I'm writing. It's fascinating, to say the least, though I don't quite buy into it.
And was that yeeehaaaw about? Are you calling me a HILLBILLY???? XDDD Just kidding.
If you only you knew who they were. T_T
Your icon makes me dizzzzzzzzzzzzy.
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