Oct 05, 2004 18:10
I forgot to mention our newest RP partner, the Kyou Souma of our anime club!!!
Michael LARPs with us now. Or LARPed and hopefully will this weekend too. Kyou has become an offical new nickname for him... He's really good.. it urges me to get more in touch with Yuki.
Eyeliner is what my name for Gaara is, and I want to be him. He looks, talks, and acts so cool. I want to be him.
I want to be Eyeliner. :/ Has he surpassed Tohma? Perhaps, Biru??
Biru.. meep. Biru is a good character. I've wrote about Biru here before. You should go back a couple (hundred) entries if you missed it!! O_O; He's awesomeness. -huggles him-
Yuki might have surpassed Tohma...
Yuki <3
Ack, I'm like.. babbling.
My foot is dead!! It is sooooo asleep.
Goodbye. ^^