Sep 27, 2004 15:55
.... ...... .....
So I might be cosplaying Ban from GetBackers for Jenken, since it's an easy costume and that's a cool series and Jenken is cool. I'm pretty sure I can do it if she wants me to actually. That's cool! Another costume for Neko, weee.
Along with the fact that Jackie might have Naruto done by then. (And here I was, pretty dern sure she wouldn't.)Ohh, that is so exciting, I've never even had more then one costume at a con. ^^
I have an essay to do. It's a stupid essay! I don't believe in it. My essay will be a rant about why I don't want to do the essay. lol. No. >< I need a perfect grade for it is english and english rocks!
Well I was really tired at school this morning. It was sooo annoying, I felt sooo lazy and I didn't wanna do work. But I woke up later on, after lunch. Because seeing Jessica's beautiful face! XD J/k (Bobby will be soo pissed. kekeke) The lolli that Brianna gave me mighta helped too. (That wasso cool, thanks yooou!)
And thanks Matt too because he sent me Seki mp3s. @_@ !! WAH! YAY! One step closer...
Well! Ahh, anyway. I'll work on that essay now. -cough-rp-cough-