question for icon-making members

Apr 04, 2005 22:11

I'm having trouble keeping my bases sorted, with the growing number of them. So if you make icons or save large, large quantities and have successfully sorted them into any kind of order, please help.

I have thousands of bases. Literally. Not only do I make them in large quantities, I also save them in large quantities.

A while ago, I finally broke down and made three main categories - items, people, and scenic. It worked, mostly, but now its imperfections are really making it difficult for me to find a good base for a quote easily.

The State of the Categories:

Items is very easy, and is sorted into a number of subfolders, leaving about less than ten that just don't have anywhere to go.

People is in the middle. I have specific body parts (lip bases, hand bases, eye bases, etc), as well as animals, magical creatures (unicorns, angels, etc), dancing, and kissing. This leaves me with a lot of full-body shots, and I'm not sure at all how to sort them. When I say "a lot" I mean 988, currently, and always growing.

Scenic, quite simply, is a shambles. When I first seperated them, I did leaves, and then half-heartedly trees. There are new leaf and tree bases. There are hundreds of other scenic bases that don't even have categories. And at 1,977, you can see why I'd balk at trying to sort them now.

Possible Solutions

I could seperate scenic, plus the people ones that don't fit, into randomly mixed categories of 100. They'd be easy to sort through in search of a base. I'd keep items, and the other people bases that have categories, working as they are.

So, really, only one possible solution. I'm leaning towards that, but if anyone else could offer any advice for other methods, it's much appreciated.

PS: the base sets will resume their posting soon, and I've been playing with brushes to make some neat background base-type things, as well as lyric icons and non-lyric icons and those intial icons all coming soon. Well. Yeah. That's a lot. Expect them within the next few weeks.
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