Jul 05, 2011 16:44

APPARENTLY, in all of these lovely textless icons I've been making (and some lovely text-only ones), my text-on-image skills have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY RUSTY. I tried to do a lyric icon the other day and FAILED. It's making me abuse capslock!

But never fear, there is a solution! I have new music of all sorts, I subscribed to a bunch of podcasts & got all of their backlog. SO. I have lyric fodder. What am I going to do with all of these songs, you ask? My veteran members might've already guessed: A MEME. Yes, yes, yes! Cookie for all that guessed.

Changed the rules. Comment, I'll shuffle my newest songs, you'll get 3-10 lyric icons from the lyrics of the first 10 songs iTunes shuffle gives me. The number thing was freaking me out a little. If you commented, you'll get icons, don't worry!

Okay, I think that's all. Ready? Go!


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