Jun 13, 2011 01:55
SO. My icon block is making me want to poke at things. As great as the last two idea posts were (and will continue to be), there's only one solution for icon block like this: an interest meme of epic proportions.
Unlike the base meme, these will be icons. Unlike the usual icon meme, you'll be getting not one, not two, but THREE icons. One will be text-only, one will be image-only, and one will be text on an image.
I will be using your interests as inspiration for this, so you must have at least 25 to participate. Take a peek and make sure your interests are up to date - this is a perfect time to add more. =)
All you have to do is comment & be patient. As I'll be making 3 per person, this will take a bit, but the end result should be extra special. So why are you still reading this? Go on, comment!
interest meme