As a few of you may already know, I am a big fan of
Kamil Vojnar's photography. It is so stunningly awesome that it inspired me to make my first moodtheme ever.
Let me say, making a moodtheme has been the hardest iconing project I've ever done, and I doubt I'll ever do it again.
However, I am incredibly proud of the moodtheme I did make.
A preview, and download link/instructions are below the cut, but FIRST:
- You MUST credit Kamil Vojnar when you use this moodtheme (in your userinfo or whatever). You absolutely have to do this if you use this moodtheme!
- Please credit me (
enriana) as well.
- Comment if you like it, comment if you take it, comment if you use it; comment comment comment!
First, here are some example images:
Respectively: accomplished, aggravated, artistic, awake, blank, bored.
You can download the .rar file
right here. (Right click - save target as, please.)
It has all 132 moods along with the admin console file (which is important later on).
here for instructions on how to use this mood theme. (The link has instructions for both paid and unpaid accounts. Thanks,
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oicontests - the community with all our contest-related things.
obsessive100 - an 100 icon challenge community run by OI designers.
Our tags, where you can see older icons/bases.-
Our lovely affiliates.-
The credit & resource post.