Okay, so I'm working on iconing screencaps of MirrorMask, as well as numerous Disney movies, and I thought, Hey, what other movies need good quality bases?
And then I figured I'd post and see. No icons in this post, sorry - base posts soon, for now go check out our affiliates by clicking
here. Contest enterers, don't forget the current OIcontest (in
oicontests) ends on the 25th!
So, if you have a movie (or a bunch of movies - tell me as many as you want) that you love and want to see bases of, comment.
Disclaimer: Just because you comment does not mean I'll icon the movie! This isn't a meme. It's simply a way for me to pick and choose movies.
Also, a warning - I most likely won't icon any movies I haven't seen, simply because it's only enjoyable when I know the movie. =)
Other designers may refer to this post as well, so don't be surprised if you see the movie of your choice iconed sometime in the future.