Aug 08, 2006 10:48

obsessivegirl is a friends only journal

Thanks Rae 
composim for making the banner

If you want to be added comment in this post and I will most likely add you.
I do have a few rules in my journal though - and a few provisos and a warning to who I add:

1) You must not come on my journal to insult me and my friends
2) We must have something in common
3) If you want me to add you - then you've got to add me back - it just makes sense
4) This journal is slash-friendly - if you don't like that kind of thing - then that's your prerogative - don't read it and don't comment on it
5) I do tend to talk a lot about RL - it's my journal - I have every right to - so if you think my life is boring - then don't add me
6) I do like comments on my posts
7) I reserve the right to not add anyone or delete anyone

But I'm not mean - I will add most people. Just comment and see!
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