Fanfiction Thoughts (And Brief Attraction)

Nov 29, 2008 19:41

Well it's me again. Feeling a bit down. I won't go into detail here, but it's just family drama around me. And thinking of the future, after I graduate high school. I'm not looking forward or dreading it, but I know things are going to be different, and I don't like it. I won't see my friends every day, I love that. That's my main reason for going to school. I had my schedule completly changed so I could have lunch with my friends.

I wrote earlier last night, but still went to bed at 2. And I slept until 2 in the afternoon. Man... I enjoy sleeping in but that is just way too long, even for me.

I keep occasionally reading this blueshipping (KaibaxKisara) fanfic. I really like the ideas behind it, they're really cool and different. But the writing itself isn't great. I enjoyed her spin on a drunk Kaiba. Why do I keep coming across a Kaiba who drinks? I personally don't see it. He's smart enough to know it's stupid to drink that far, besides, he likes keeping control of himself, or thinking he has complete control of himself. He wore the blue outfit (I wonder why he stopped wearing it...), which was all messed up and stuff. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were dead. And he still yelled at people. Ah, just like him.

While that was interesting and amusing, I still imagine if he was distressed about something, it wouldn't show too much. He's good at hiding it, and is actually good at dealing with a whole bunch of stuff at once. And making it look effortless.

I even liked it when I read about him watching Kisara as she danced. He liked it, to say the least. But then I read that Yami was jealous of modern Kisara and actually said, "She's not right for him"? That's when I lost respect for this writer.

In the canon, Yami gives no sign that he likes Kaiba like that. That's fangirl fantasies at work. You'd think I'd like it since I find both boys sexy in their own way, but no. I really don't. That's not the connection they have, so I will not support it.

(For more of my opinions on Yu-gi-oh pairings, check my profile to see my username on And look there, I have quite a bit there.)

I'm in a slightly good mood since I just watched episode 31 of the abridged series. I could not breath when Marik was talking, seriously. And of course I love all the mentioning of Kaiba, funny... And I love the cut away to: (Meanwhile, at KaibaCorp) Teeheehee.

Ah, comedy soothes the soul...

I'm happy about my writing, since I'm about to finish the chapter, but I'm also on edge. I'm always like that after I finish. It's because I have to work on the outline for the next chapter, and I always am nervous about that. I'm nervous it won't work out, that I'll have to rewrite or something like that. I'm scared it won't work out.

Well at least I know what's at the beginning, but I'm starting to get ansy about getting him out of the coma. I know it's coming but there seems to be quite a bit that has to happen before he wakes up, and possibly before I have his waking up sequence. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet...

Hm...somehow talking about it made me very excited to write it. Hm... I also need to stop counting my chickens before they hatch--or, to match my Yu-gi-oh obsession, stop counting my dragons before they're summoned. Oh! I made a Kaiba saying-thing without thinking about it, awesome! I keep thinking about AFTER I finish this story... Yeah that's kind of stupid since I'm just about to finish a early chapter. (Love how I didn't say which one? I was about to, but then decided, "no.").

Because of this AMV and the fanfic I mentioned earlier, I have some GOOD ideas about Kaiba and Kisara.

Oh well, they're brilliantness will have to wait... (Oh and I decided, Seto looks good in anything! Kawaii! Ah... But I noticed when he wore the purple outfit for awhile during season four, I kind of missed the white one. Oh well, STILL HOT!)

writing, seto kaiba, amv, kisara, yu-gi-oh, fanfic, blueshipping, ygo tas, kawaii, ideas

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