Tamed Rant Before Cold Joy

Jan 17, 2009 22:25

I've come to realize that Youtube is taking everything I hold dear... Not everything but since my life almost revolves around that awesome site with dumbass stupid idiots who run it, I was pretty damn sad. Then I got mad

I clicked on some of my favorites...and realized I couldn't watch them. I didn't like it but ignored it...until today. I went to delete vids from my favorites...and I had to delete vids I really, really loved! I ignored the fact they deleted TeamDatteByo's account recently, and LittleKuriboh's once-upon-a-time, but with all this coming at me, I really hate what they're doing. I wanted to hate the site, but I use it too much and it's an awesomely brillaint idea. It's just run by complete fucking idiotic morons.


It's been awhile since I've ranted or expressed a vast amount of anger in awhile. That's a good thing... But at least TeamDatteByo is still fighting on, which I am so relieved to see. I was feeling real upset about deleting my favorite vids (seriously I loved those...) and it really makes me happy to see them still fighting again Youtube's idiocy.

Don't they do that for copy right infringement or something? That's bullshit. Isn't it obvious it Yu-gi-oh, Death Note and such don't belong to them? It's like having to have a disclaimer for fanfiction, it's ridiculous. It's called FANfiction, dickheads. (That's the first time I used that one.) Obviously it DOESN'T belong to them. DUH.

People are going to do these things, no matter how much you try to stop it. You can't. If people really want to do it, they will find a way, legal or...not. Whatever. Besides, a good AMV or fanfic can get you back into a series, can make you see different things, like different characters, etc. It's good for them, dammit.

Dumbasses... Don't worry I ain't mad anymore. Vids have healed me. I talked with
cye_nako about the plans for my fanfic, and we seemed to be in agreement about it which makes me feel more confident about it. I didn't realize I was putting them through so much. I guess it didn't phase me since I've had this idea for months... I thought I was going too easy on them!

Well I'm going to follow the direction of one of my favorite writers and online friends, who when things seem like they can't get any worse, they do. She's real good at that. I really admire how she jumps right into the action in her stories.

Well on to planning some more...and watching more awesome vids. The Japanese are crazy. I found how migi means right hand side and hidari--oh my god, I spelled it right!--means left hand side. I learned quite a few things today. I learned where that idea came from for the YGO characters dancing, wearing dressing and having pom-poms.

I also learned that old folks are dying due to this great freeze. I'd feel sorry for them, but really, they shouldn't have been out in the first place!

And ore no turn is an arrogance way of saying my turn, apparently. I want to use that...

Alright, sayonara and ja ne.

writing, youtube, rant, teamdatteybayo, amv, japanese, cold, fanfiction, littlekuriboh

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