Meme, BSG, Life, and possible Ficcies

Mar 16, 2008 03:42

A meme from caramelapples11:A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people.

B. These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people. People who are tagged will be blessed and their wishes will come true in the future...Just like all your wishes have come true from all those chain e-mails you used to send. ;)

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
I don’t know, but I would say anger or disappointment will be among some of the first emotions I feel.

2. What would you do with $10,000?
Bank the majority, donate some of it, and spend maybe a thousand on books, CD’s, and such…

3. Have you ever seen someone die?
Seen the actual death of in person? Well, no, I do not think so.

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
In the general sense? Yes, I’m in college and pretty much have no idea as to what I’m doing in the future, but in the short term? Yes, I’m actually pretty confused at the moment by a paper that I’m supposed to write. XD

5. What's your dream relationship like?
No such dreams as of yet. (^_^)

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?
Having both (with the same person) would be nice, but I guess being able to be loved by someone is more blessed because it is something outside of your control.

7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
Probably not, especially if it is “like.”

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Life’s like that. What can you do? Just try to let go and move on I guess.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
Uhm… mostly school-related stress, and some personal stuff that is way too uninteresting and unattached to other people to be specific about here. XD

10. What do you want most in life?
Health, happiness, and something(s) to aim toward.

11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?
Uhm… maybe Sloth? I like to get things done, and I usually do, and I’m always busy, but I’m a horrible procrastinator.

12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend, how would you react?
I honestly don’t know, but a betrayal like that has got to hurt.

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
Uhm… XD… Arrhenius? I AM studying Acid-Base theory right now.

14. What kind of person do you think you are?
Generally flexible, a teensy bit neurotic and obsessive, usually honest, arts/music/books lover, passionate, scary when angered (according to my little sister), sensitive, procrastinating, determined, and not really the greatest of people-persons.

15. Do you believe there is nothing higher than human kind?
No. I DO believe that there is something higher than human kind, and that honestly, who knows?

16. Would you give your all in a relationship?
What type of relationship? (^^) It’s give and take I would say. Probably yes, I would give almost all, but I’m also really private. I like being myself and value my space, and just as I don’t expect my partner to be tied to me, I don’t expect him to expect me to be permanently attached to him.

17. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?
Don’t really have a single motto. Just be willing to live, dream, and walk.

18. What type of friends do you like?
I have a pretty good mix of friends: shy, quiet responsible ones, outgoing ones, quiet ones that you have to watch out for (*cough*hitlists with a high chance of fulfillment*cough*), and I guess the only general description I have would be that they are unique, interesting, and “tolerate” me. XD

19. Do you have an all time favorite song?
No. That would be quite hard to choose.

20. Name things you like about yourself and things you wish you could change.
I like being my own person, exploring life and my individual perception of it, and that I’m flexible enough to be focused or scattered, to be optimistic or pragmatic, to be silent or chatty. I really, REALLY am a horrible procrastinator… or actually, I should say, I’m too good of a procrastinator. (^^)”

I can't seem to really choose eight specific people, but anyone who wants to... feel free to. Hmm... actually. YOU (you know who you are... edward-lover) have to. (^_^)


Thanks to  caramelapples11, I am completely obsessed with this show at the moment and wished I had waited for the last season to come out before I decided to play catch-up. It has cost me sleep, but I would say, for now at least, that it was worth it. So, I’m going to go on and on about it for a little while: pardon me.

Favorite character: Laura Roslin- I have liked her character since the first few episodes I ever saw BSG. She and Boomer were the two characters that left the greatest impression on me, and now, I’m completely in love with her character. I love complex characters, and the show is filled with them. It also helps that I’ve fallen in love with Mary McDonnell. I recognized her somehow and then I realized: “Dances with Wolves,” which is a totally awesome movie. (^_^)

OTP: Bill Adama/Laura Roslin- really, is there any way their relationship could be more adorable?

Most memorable ‘Aww…’ moment: That kiss… after the promotion… it was just so… perfect… and sweet… and loving… and just… asldjfsdiofjjsdfjssjfjsdf.

Most memorable ‘Cool! Need to see that again’ moment: Laura’s diving leap to save Billy from the Centurion; I was in awe of that moment, because it was just so… her, and also, I had to laugh at the irony of it, since most of the time, the situation would be reversed with someone diving to save the President. I also love the little George Washington association with the bullet holes in the jacket. I actually found it very apt.

Most hilarious moment: Baltar’s simultaneous conversation with Six and Laura. XD It was just way too funny.

Most freakish "WTHeck!" moment: Baltar's dream sequence where you see Laura go up and kiss him saying "I've always wanted you." I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't help my reaction to it... It was just freaky... (^^)"

Most heart-breaking moment: With Billy… in the morgue, gosh, that made me cry. The way she fixed his hair, and you could literally see her breaking apart; it just killed me. (These are closely followed by Col. Tigh poisoning his wife, the post-promotion scene where you could see her struggling just to get up and Adama watches, the death of Elosha, the destruction of the colonies, and Crossroads part I where she is literally pleading with Lee).

Baltar (he gets his own little niche because he’s ‘special’ like that): I don’t think he’s evil, and I honestly think that he isn’t guilty. I don’t necessarily like him, but he’s not a bad guy. He’s selfish, he’s arrogant, self-centered (usually), weak, easily manipulated, and a coward, but in the end, he’s the poster-boy for the saying: “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Oh, and I’m in love with this incredible vid:

image Click to view

As to life: I'm still drowning in tons of work... in the past two weeks, I've gotten maybe twenty-five hours of actual sleep. However, my first set of midterms is finally over and done with (not that I did all that well on them -_-), and yesterday night was the dance performance (and despite being positively biased, it was awesome) for the dance troupe I'm in, which means the end of six-hour rehearsals and such. I now have to play catch-up, but oh-well. (^^)

And because I seem to continue going on and on anyways, the following are ficdrabbles that are the result of my mind being unable to settle down from the muses which invade it. They are dedicated to caramel apples11, because she is the reason why I started watching this show again for better or for worse. Most of them are laura-centric, and I apologize ahead of time, because I'm not sure if I did the characters justice, but this is my first attempt at writing bsg fic.


She stared at the flickering shadows that surrounded her. They were the children wraiths born from the delicate flames of the candles, thousands and thousands of which line the velvety black backdrop of space around her.

49,998… 47,958… 47,945…

She did her best to shelter them, but ultimately, she grieved watching the lights die, smothered by the empty coldness, driven mad by abandonment, whipped by cruelty. Shuddering she pulled into herself, ‘suffering and lonely…’

47,875… 47,874… 47,862…

She bore it though, the burns from fire and ice, alternately fevered and frozen. She continues to meander among these flames, wore them stitched into her velvet brocade. ‘How can something so ethereal be so heavy?’

41,435… 41,422… 41,420…

She will continue to bear it, she will continue moving  forward and carrying them with her, and she shall not cry (at least not in their presence, while her mantle is still covered by their flames) for she knew that if her tears ever touched them, they would flicker, and they would die.


Adar stared at his lover (well, ex-lover now), as she pushed away from him. The magnetic force of her eyes had been too strong for him to resist, and now, she was too strong for him to conquer.


Baltar could readily admit to being a deluded genius at times, but when he threw in his lot with Laura Roslin, he had not expected to be afraid of this woman, who, with his first passing glance, seemed so small and insignificant, no more than a former school teacher compared to his own notorious intellect.

He shuddered as her knowing gaze pierced through him, and Six continued feeding his fear through those insidiously, seductive whispers. It wasn’t logical to be afraid of her. She was dying. She was weak.

No. Six whispers. You fear her because she isn’t weak, because her spirit is opposite yours. It is strong, too strong. She does not flinch from what she sees as necessary actions. You fear her because you know that should she ever find out what role you truly played in betraying your own kind, she would not hesitate, despite her conscience, to execute you.

Baltar gulped. Yes, the Madame President was too strong.


Thomas Zarek was not a fool. He could play the game as well as anyone, and one of his greatest attributes, he thought, was his patience. He watched this woman, no - a goddess really - carefully and judged it impossible to overthrow her… for the moment at least. For now, she was like the mountain they had climbed together on Kobol. Too strong to move; too strong to topple.


Lee could only watch and offer his support to be her constant in this rain-drenched excuse of a planet. His heart bled as he watched this woman struggle with every fiber of her being to keep going, even when she was exhausted, suffering,… and dying.  He wanted to stop her. He tried to will her to rest without actually speaking those pleas. He wanted to do more for this woman who remained a beacon of hope for so much of humanity, but she was stubborn, and she was strong. Too strong sometimes.


Their steps were leisurely and infinitely intimate as they softly danced around his living quarters to the soft Caprican waltz.

Commander William Adama knew that Laura… Laura Roslin - both the President and the woman - was strong.

However, that just made it all that much sweeter when she allowed him to see her weak.

AN: The following is written because I love Doc Cottle and because I believe that we never quite see how it was resolved. (^_^)


“You knew.”

Doc Cottle looked up from the patient files in front of him to glance at the Admiral… who was smoldering underneath his stoic exterior. There was no doubt in Cottle’s mind as to what he was referring to.

“Of course I knew, because you and I both know that I participated.”

“Why? How could you condone her decision? How could you do that to the child’s parents?” Adama did not give him time to answer as he approached Cottle’s desk, looming over the seated doctor. Cottle, however, remained unalarmed, and he was never one to mince his words.

He returned the Admiral’s glare briefly before turning back to the documents he was scanning over. “Pardon me, Admiral, but please get off of your pretentious high horse for a moment before assuming that neither she nor I once considered all the consequences of our actions. We’re not children Admiral, and we have no desire to be treated as such. Did you even listen to her try to explain before storming over here?”

Adama sighed and took the chair. “No. Explain it to me then. Why?”

Cottle met Adama’s cerulean gaze and seeing that the haze of rage had finally burned away to reveal an expectant impatience, he sat back. Chewing a bit on the cigarette in his mouth, he stared at Adama. “Do you think I would have helped her if I didn’t see the reasoning for it? You, of all people know that I treat my patients indiscriminately. That is part of my vow as a doctor.” He twiddled with the cigarette a bit. “She hid Isis, or Hera, or whatever you want to call her… because it kept both parties safe.”


“Yes, she was spurred on by an instinct to keep the fleet safe, but make no mistake Admiral, she also cares for that child very much. Do you honestly think that she would have been safe on this ship under the care of her parents when there were still people out for her mother’s blood? Think back to a year ago, Admiral. How long did it take for people to start accepting Lt. Helo again? Frak, how long did it take for you to stop wanting to kill Sharon Agathon? Don’t forget, the original Sharon was killed right on this ship, so don’t even kid me with that ‘we could have protected the child’ crap.”

Adama shut his mouth.

“Maybe you could have… for a short time, but how? Keep her in that same cage as her mother? Limiting her contact with anyone else beside the Agathons? What sort of life would that have been for a growing child? Laura Roslin is many things, but she is no fool. She knew what her actions could entail, and she carried the burden of that guilt. She did it to keep a close eye on the child, but also to protect it… and maybe allow it a normal life for at least a short while.” Cottle snorted. “Or at least, as close to normal as possible in a situation like ours.”

“Why keep it a secret… from me… from the Agathons?”

Cottle could barely smother another snort. “Admiral, you, who have two sons of your own and understand perfectly well the love of a parent for his child, don’t already know the answer to that question? Do you honestly believe that the Agathons would have allowed her to force their child into an adoption, that they would have willingly separated from and ceased all contact with Hera? No. They wouldn’t, because that is a parent’s love, and Madame President knew that, even without children of her own. She couldn’t tell you either because… well…” Here Cottle studied the man in front of him closely first. “You might not have agreed to it, and even if you did, it would have eaten away at you and festered inside of you until something self-destructed. She knew that, and frankly, I think you know that as well. You can’t afford to be dishonest to your men.” With that said, Cottle turned back to his paperwork, and Adama left… pondering his newfound knowledge and wondering when it would be a safe time for him to talk to Laura again.

EDIT: (--) For some reason, LJ keeps on reformmatting my entry...

fandom, laura roslin, bsg, meme, fanfic, life

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