I've been immersing myself in HP theories and speculations lately, and I have now formed a concrete opinion concerning what I think is the case, backed by as much evidence as I could gather. I'm gonna set them down here and stop visiting speculation places now, because it's really annoying how you'd have a conversation going with many established facts, then someone will jump in and say "Hey, I have a great idea!! Don't you think XYZ", and inevitably XYZ would be one of the facts that's already been discussed to death. It's stupid when people don't take the time to read and digest what other people have said. If everyone were like that no progess will ever be made.
Anyway, here are my thoughts, hopefully v. condensed.
First I'd like to acknowledge sources:
this great analysis and lots of discussion over on
Fan Forum.
Snape: Not evil. Hagrid overhearing his conversation with Dumbledore in chapter 19 firmly points to that Dumbledore had to semi-coerce him into Dumbledore's grand plan, similar to Harry having to force Dumbledore into drinking that potion. His expression of "hatred and revulsion" can be directly correlated to Harry's feeling of self-hatred and revulsion when he was forced to make Dumbledore drink the potion. Perhaps formed Unbreakable Vow with Dumbledore earlier, which is why Dumbledore trusts him so much. (This brings up Q of who was the third party that had to cast the spell, however.) Dumbledore was not pleading for him to not kill him but to take the responsiblity upon himself to do what needed to be done. This would be especially true if that potion was going to kill Dumbledore anyway. He and Dumbledore were staring at each other on the tower before he killed Dumbledore, most likely communicating via legilimens capabilities. He went off at Harry for saying he was a coward, because if all the above is true then he is a very brave, misunderstood man indeed.
The big counter-argument, of course, is now that every good person hates Snape, so how can he be any further use acting undercover with no one left to report to? I believe his use now is firmly to bring down Voldemort from the inside, most likely with Malfoy's help. This Dumbledore would have foreseen. It'll also make Snape the tragically misunderstood hero, who inevitably will have to die in the next book.
R.A.B.: Without a doubt Regulus Black.
Horcruxes: The locket was in Grimmauld Place; when the kids were cleaning it out in early OotP, there was mention of a heavy locket no one could open. Given R.A.B. is Regulus, makes sense the locket would be there. Chances are that, however, given the emphasis on the Mundungus scene in HBP, Mundungus has stolen it by now, and fenced it to persons unknown.
I don't think Harry is a Horcrux. If he were, then he'd have to kill himself first before he kills Voldemort, and it doesn't make sense. Also there was mention that Horcruxes shouldn't be things that could think for themselves. (Hmm... interesting correlation with Buffy!Dawn being Key, methinks.)
Obviously very much like to make HP vids now, but it'll be a long while before we get movie #6 footage. Love the song I'm listening to for that v. distant purpose, though. In the nearer future I plan to make a H/D vid after movie #4 becomes available.
Nearly got all the footage I need for a Buffy!Jonathan vid, and also Alexander v. soon.