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serrico December 12 2011, 03:21:17 UTC
Rome vid! Yay!

To me, this vid reads very much like a look at Antony's progression from order to disorder, viewed through the lens of Rome's political upheavals, with Vorenus as witness/accomplice/active agent (and Octavian as counterpoint). And I don't think that's a simplified narrative, especially since you frame the vid with Antony's suicide-by-Vorenus: in between the sword going in and being pulled out (and I like the way you flipped the timeline there, so we see the sword being removed--and Antony's body being cleaned of Egyptian decadence and returned to the appearance of Roman honour--long before we see the blow struck), there are all these personal interplays and political ramifications, taking Antony far from where he started to a place where he's desperate to go back. When I focus on the story the vid is telling about Antony, it feels very cyclical, is what I'm trying (badly) to say. *g*

And then there's Vorenus, whose entire service to Antony really *is* always about him just trying to do his job. Oh, *Vorenus*.

I like this a lot!


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 20:02:15 UTC
Thank you so much! Your incredibly insightful analysis is basically the vid I wished I had made, although if I were being totally honest, I'm not sure it's quite the vid I ended up making due to some failings in the execution. I love, love, love your reading, and I didn't know it at the time, but yes, now that you've pointed it out, I totally agree at its heart the vid is about Antony, even though the POV is Vorenus and it spends greater swathes of time on Vorenus. I just wish I had articulated that to myself better when I was making it. It's kind of amazingly awesome that you saw it nonetheless. Can I borrow your brain for my next vid? :D


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