30 days of vidding meme - day 1

Aug 20, 2011 18:12

I'm getting over jet lag, slowly working my way through comments, and don't even want to think about writing VVC vid feedback just yet. But I saw that sdwolfpup just adapted the 30 days of fic meme for vidding, and the questions are so interesting! It's been a long while since I felt like I wanted to talk vidding - in public posts, no less - so I'm going to give it a go. Full list of questions here.

Day 1 - How did you first get into vidding, and what was the first fandom you vidded? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?

My first vid was for my once and future OTP, Akira/Hikaru of Hikaru no Go. I made it on WMM1 in 2003 in a complete vacuum, only ever showed it to my husband, and didn't touch vidding for another two years after that. It wasn't until 2005 when I even realised I could share vids with fandom online, at which point I got "back" into vidding via Tru Calling and Young Americans.

I made the Hikaru/Akira vid because the slash was epic and beautiful. There are other motivations in my vidding now, of course, but when you peel it all back the one thing that truly drives me is still epic and beautiful slash. So in that respect I've changed little over these 8 years. I still need to make one final Hikaru/Akira vid to really encapsulate what I feel about the ship, but it's my holy grail OTP and I haven't yet found a 100% right song, so the wait continues.

Here's the vid if you're interested. Password: HNG

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

HNG_QiZi from Nicky on Vimeo.

I showed it at the badvid room party at VVC together with some other people's first vids, and I think one of the conclusions we drew is that one could always look past the crappiness and find the essence of the vidder in even their earliest work. It's an interesting thought.

And here's what I did when I got back to vidding in 2005. Oh, Tru Calling. How I loved (and still love) that show. Password: Bohemian

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

TC_bohemian from Nicky on Vimeo.

vidding, meme

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