river/simon fic, shiny shirts, arrested development, recs, wip update

May 21, 2005 20:26

River/Simon fic finally finished. Six Senses. After lots of humming and ho-ing finally broke down and opted out of a happy ending - stupid Simon is way too fucking sane to get with his sister. I resent that so much. May be a sequel in the works, but thoughts are preliminary and tentative at this point. Have been following a discussion on incest fics on fanforum at the moment, which is proving to be most illuminating in terms of mindset.

I have a tendency to get shirts screen-printed whenever I get a new obsession. Hence,

Was so chuffed when the guy in the shop informed me they had metallic gold. Look at the shininess! :happy dance:

Can't see the design very well on this one at all: it's a picture of a brain, and the words "They stripped her amygdala."

I bought the Arrested Development season 1 box set for Mark some time ago, but we didn't start watching until last night. We've seen it periodically on telly, before the stupid channel took it off in lieu of stupid Medium (granted, am v. biased against that show for aforementioned reason) and we never got to see how the season ended. But yes, now we have it and are watching it and I love that show so much. It's the funniest thing since The Office. Plus, loads of incestuous undertones. Or I might just have incest on the brain. A mixture of both, probably.

A big thank you to wedjateye, who sent me loads'o'goodies in the mail which arrived today. Lots of Firefly videos and tidbits, and a Buffy season 5-7 soundtrack! Very fancy indeed, and now that I have the Serenity trailer on my hard drive I can't stop watching it. So pretty.

Was browsing through light_it's memories and saw this great essay detailing River/Simon's roots in canon. So true about Simon going into River's room with the possibility of no pants. :D On an unrelated note, was also reading Guide to Graceful Feedback and was bobbing head like pecking chicken all the way through. Am guilty of overly-harsh-betaness - still haven't heard back from the writer I beta-ed about six months ago (not you, Nina. :D ).

Works in Progress
Back to working on 602! :)

Also sort of halfheartedly making a Kaylee/Inara video right now. Not sure if it'll get finished anytime in the near future, though.
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