vvc 09 vid recs - part 1

Aug 16, 2009 20:54

I'm going to beat the backlog this year and start doing up vividcon recs before the majority of the flood hits. As usual, this is just a personal selection of what's already been posted online and which I love and for which I know the fandom; there are plenty more awesome vids out there besides and a good way to keep up to date would be to follow the friends list of the VVC comm.

As usual, descriptions will be briefer than usual due to the sheer volume of recs around this time of year. Please take it as given that the quality of all the vids is among the best that you'll see all year.

Premiering (in Premieres and other shows)

Hard Sun by bradcpu and laurashapiro, Firefly/Serenity, ensemble/meta.
Brad's been carrot-dangling this vid in front me for the past I don't know how many months and I finally managed to see it, and it was everything that I hoped it would be. Upon rewatch it's making me seriously tearful. ME! The cold hard bitch of the south! The vid utilises fan-shot footage and blends it seamlessly with show footage, and in doing so brings to us the whole spectrum of feeling that comes with the territory of this show - love, family, community, regret and sadness at its cancellation, and how our fannish bonds remain long after the show has gone off air. Seamless and spectacular, this is an early standout of the con for me.

Star Trek In 60 Seconds (Re-enacted by Llamas) by halcyon_shift, Premieres intro vid.
I don't think I've ever seen anything so cleverly put together. I prostrate myself before Lithy and daren't look upon her godly awesomeness.

I Want What I Want by dualbunny, Bionic Woman (new), Jaime/Sarah
Gorgeous studies of character underpinning the hows and whys of this particular 'ship.

We Are by bananainpyjamas, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
All the context is flying over my head as I haven't seen s2, but it's clear that the vid is saying something and saying it well. The musicality, of course, is classic inimitable DC.

Dark Room by cherryice, Merlin, ensemble.
Beautifully moody and portentous with subtle and elegant editing. The mute sad-eyed older sibling to Unsteady Ground.

In My Veins by millylicious, Heroes, Claire&Sylar.
Insightful Claire character profile tracked by colour and object symbolism, through the eyes of someone watching from the outside, a delicious slow burn of pace and expectation until we finally fall through to what seems an inevitable conclusion.

Video Killed the Radio Star by dualbunny, Wicked via Wizard of Oz.
An audacious premise implemented perfectly through gorgeous musicality and sheer force of will. :D

Club Vivid (dance vids)

Bale Out Christian Bale Remix by kiki_miserychic, Dollhouse, meta.
My favourite CVV vid so far. Shut the fuck up if you can't take a joke.

Just Dance by anoel, Queer as Folk, ensemble.
The quintessential love song to Babylon and the show.

Thriller by buffyann, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, ensemble.
Horror and dance mix in a highly polished vid that's terrifying and entertaining in equal measures.

Acid Intro by millylicious, multi.
A breathless ride of thrills and spills through fandom connected seamlessly by countless parallels and motion shots.

Lucky Me by millylicious, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, comedy.
Hilarious riff on the romance novel with Buffy as our intrepid heroine. Fabulous tech.

Go with the Flow by bradcpu, Dollhouse, Echo-centric ensemble.
Simultaneously a kinetic thrill ride and a thoughtful rumination on the construction of identity.

Break Teen Spirit in Four Minutes by bananainpyjamas, Wanted film vid.
Intuitive, multi-layered musicality the likes of which I've never seen.

Sexy Hell by bradcpu, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
What the fuck was that? Seriously, what the fuck was that?

vividcon, vid recs

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