I went to my parents' over the long Queen's Birthday weekend. Trip was good: watched lots of Buffy, booked our Fiji trip and went shopping with my sister. Got a pair of comfy new Hush Puppies and a nice trench coat. I went looking for one like Castiel's, but the cut is very unflattering on me, so I ended up with one that had an A-line flare, almost like a frock coat, but at least it's the same lovely tan colour. Yayness!
YAY Henry cameo!!! God, he looked awesome. Henry's much better than Matt. Get back together with Henry, Betty!
Or else get with Daniel. I'm really hoping they'll go that way for s4 at long last.
Vampire Diaries looks entertaining. Plus, Ian Somerhalder back from the cold! He looks weird in the promos though. Don't suppose he's had work done or something? ... eyebrow plucking, perhaps?
Watching the Glee pilot right now. It had me at Ryan Murphy, really.
(I've decided that my 3 favourite shows ever are, in no order: Nip/Tuck, Skins, and AngelBuffyFirefly, which is clearly one show, not three.)
In addition, I has vid recs stocked up for many a moon.
Above and Below by
counteragent, Supernatural, Sam and Dean.
You've seen this recced everywhere and for good reason. Fantastic study of Sam and Dean's s4 journeys, where they started and where they end up, and why it's the same journey in the end, despite heaven and hell and everything in between.
I'm on a Boat by
kiki_miserychic, Star Trek XI, gen... overview?
Best STXI vid I've seen yet! Love the motion, pacing and use of lyrics. A bucket and a half of utter glee.
Kinetic by
maichan808, Supernatural, experimental.
A gorgeous study in motion, evocative images and light.
Luv Song by
danegen, SPN meta, Misha Collins.
Cos that shit is well, well fucked up. *shudders* Which is a huge compliment as far as the vid is concerned, because it calls it so incredibly well.
Incidentally, am I the only person who has absolutely no desire to know anything about the actors behind the characters they portray? It makes me feel all dirty.