vid recs, friends list trimming, vidding & fics

Jan 28, 2008 08:45

A mish-mash of stuff:

Vid recs
First, hilarious spoof trailer for 300 using the original trailer soundtrack set to Family Guy. The drum cue in the middle may be the best use of a drum cue EVER.

Second, terribly late rec for I Fought in a War by kiki_miserychic, Firefly/Serenity, Mal & Simon.
Could be shipper, or not. I love how this vid effortlessly compares and contrasts Mal and Simon, drawing out all the similarities and differences and placing them in the larger context of the Alliance and the world. The pacing and movement is amazing as usual, as is the audacious and beautiful use of effects.

Friends list trimming
I think I will trim my friends list soon, as there are a bunch people who I've completely fallen out of touch with, and others with whom I simply don't see eye to eye anymore. Please feel free to pre-emptively de-friend or, if you're not sure whether you're on the cut list and don't want to be, drop a line and say hi. :)

Currently in the preparations for two vid projects that I'm quite excited about. One is my VVC premiere, and the other is a real person vid hopefully in the documentary-style popularised by wistful_fever.

I've been quickly rewatching (as in, most of the time in 2x speed) season 1 of Supernatural over the last three days. I'm enjoying it a lot more this time round, I think.

And of course I promised wolkenfuehlen that I would finish the long outstanding Young Americans series by the end of this year, so I gotta get on that as well. Certainly not sure if I can still (if ever) write for shit, but a promise is a promise, dammit.

vidding, vid recs: firefly, vid recs: kiki_miserychic, fics, vid recs

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