Hey! Sorry I haven't been on LJ at all in.... like....over 4 months or something. Some important things that have happened lately:
I am out to my whole (immediate) family and that's all good.
Another anniversary happened and I'm still okay.
I got sucked into BBC Sherlock.
I was selected for The Rat Game at the last Emilie Autumn concert I went to, so I have had my first kiss and it was with Veronica Varlow!
My older brother is now living in a Boston suburb.
My high school's band director was arrested and I have been avoiding local news reports on it at all cost. I still don't know the results of the trial, if it is done... It's been a major source of stress since the beginning of January.
I took a term off from school in the fall but now I'm back.
Oh and
I WILL be on LJ more, though. I will!