A.K.A., The Alice/Bella Twilight Femslash Rec Post #1!! (By the way, if you're interested, the subject line comes from the song
"Shameless" by Ani DiFranco.
Awesome song.)
Can't stand Edward "ZOMFG HOTTEST VAMP EVARZ" Cullen and his abusive treatment of Bella? Think Jacob is sweet and all, but is too much of a baby when it comes to Vamps to maintain a stable relationship with Bella? Don't really even give a shit about Mike, Tyler, and Eric, none of whom Bella will give the time of day, and SMeyer didn't put any effort into writing anyway? And yet you still read Twilight, looking for the perfect ship, for someone who won't treat Bella like shit?
Let me introduce you to Alice/Bella. Bella needs to wake up, come out, and date Alice already.
All I've got to share now are fanvids.
I Won't Say I'm in Love by DSShipper
Yup, the song from Hercules. It's really cute. Rosalie and Esme are trying to get Bella to admit her love for Alice, but Bella swore never to fall in love again after Edward broke her heart.
Everything You Want by Fairywolf222
To "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon. I love this song, but until this video I never realized that "He" might not be the narrator. In this video, "he" is Edward, and the song is from Alice's P.O.V. I'm thinking this is my favorite.
Love Story by DSShipper
To "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I was so sick of this song, but I can't resist it in this video.
Just So You Know by MsCullen94
This one is set to "Just So You Know" by Jesse McCartney (A.K.A. almost Zuko DX). It's Edward/Bella/Alice, and paints Edward (correctly) as a possessive asshole. And yeah, the note in the corner is annoying as hell, and it didn't even prevent stupid comments. D:
All The Things She Said by MsCullen94
Song by T.A.T.U. Yeah, totally the most over used and cliched femslash song EVER, and this video isn't as good as her other one, but it's still cute. Seriously, both Alice's and Bella's faces after that hug? Such LesYay!
Unfaithful by lislmf123
To "Unfaithful" by Rhianna. It's a little choppy in one or two places, but other than that it's great.
I Miss You by catwomanjellicle
Song by Blink 182. It's purrty. I've never been a huge fan of this song, but it works really well. (Not that I don't like, it was just so blandish sounding. The little reference to The Nightmare Before Christmas always made me smile, though.)
Okay, I think that's enough. And someone should seriously make an Alice/Bella video to "Shameless". Seriously.
I also came across a few Speak/Twilight crossover videos that were interesting. I feel like sharing those, too, but not now.