links to spoilery fun things at my LJ

Sep 19, 2007 15:00

you'd think - this being my comm, and me a big proponent of "spread the squee!" - i'd post more of my fangirly posts here. i seem to have been remiss in doing that, and i'm fixing that right now!

1. Supernatural S3 promo and a Jensen interview <-- two vids from YouTube

2. Screencaps of Interview in #1 <-- a few caps of Jensen

3. SN Picspam!! ~ On The Set of Episode ?? <-- some pics on set. not sure which ep. spoilery only if you think suits and scenery is spoilery.

4. SN Picspam!! ~ Ep 3.02 Pics <-- spoilery if you know about the episode, adorable if you're spoiler-free or know everything

5. Character Sketch of a Hunter <-- may or may not be spoilery - i "borrowed" a few facts we were told, put it together with a theory going 'round, and added alot of made-up stuff.

enjoy, and spread the squee!!!

supernatural, jensen, interviews, promos

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