May 19, 2005 08:29
Haha.. Hey Everyone...
So, today was funn, I guess. No, it was normal, just fine. So
1st hour-umm nothing
2nd hour-Gym w/ Janelo.. we haha NEVER saw Mr. Pesrick so mad! b/kuz idk some girl chucked the paddle acrossed the gym ... hehe
3rd hour-umm.. math.. I dont get what we are doing
Lunch-umm just great
4th hour-BORING
5th hour-BORINGER
Then Janelo came over after school. We partyed j/k we did nothing. lol Then we went to Brock's game, but hung out with Wang (Dalton) thats what I call him now. Now I'm watching American Idol.. my person i wanted to win got voted off.. im kinda sad I liked her. But umm... lets see here: Im bored.. my legs are picky. I have too much time on my hands.
I really can't wait until .. Saturday!!
Omg Yes... how could I forget.. Me and Janelo.. haha we were at Taco Bell, and we were eating and then this REAL ghetto guy came in idk he was like 18ish? And we got up to throw our food away and HE HAD the hugest ass I've ever seen on a guy! and i mean he wasnt fat he just had a HUGE ass. and it looked like a rectangle!! So then, we were walking out and this was our converstation:
Him: Hey Ladies
Me and Nel: Hi
Him: Hows it going?
Us: Good...
Him: What you two doin tonight?
Us: Nothing.
Him: Wanna kick it tonight?
Nel: No.
Me: I'll pass.
Then he drove away, it was funny. Haha and he had a lot of zits and he works at Taco Bell and Janel is like ya we'll have to go back there but we might get his zits in our food!! hehehe it was funny
But its time for me to go..
...Love Always...
.:.Sami Lynn.:.