Jul 04, 2005 08:08
Well.. I dont know.
Yesterday I went to my aunts house with Micki and we swam. Then she came and slept over and we rented Hitch! Omg I am in love with thta movie I swear I love it!!!! :) and then me and Micki stayed up talking about jsut stuff and then we're talkinga bout how she wants to be a FBI and how she'd be using a metal dector b/kuz she'd be too scared to find a dead body!!!!
Then today we woke up and watched Hitch again since Micki fell asleep watching it. Then, we were making plans. and then we went online. and she was lifting weights. She is such a dork but i love her! lol. and then she left and then I got ready for the day. My make up looked really pretty today!!! for going nowhere. and then I went cleaning with my mother and made $$$ and lots of it! lol jk. and then ... I came home called Micki and then now I'm updating this. So.. I will just talk to u all later I guess!!!
Happy early 4th!!
ps. my dates are all screwed up on this thing
pss. xxxxxx xx xxxxxx <-- you figure it out