Mar 31, 2004 02:06
Ok, what do you know, I just remembered something I'd forgotten about the weekend. My brother rented School of Rock, so we were watching the beginning, during the credits, the name Adam Pascal pops up. I was like "WTF?!!?!? Oh my god!!!!" Then, very soon after that, I realized the voice singing the during the credits was his!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm...raspy...and growly...mmm...anyway, he was in the movie... I was like "I HAVE TO TELL LAUREN!!!""" She's with me in knowing that Adam is a sexy, sexy man...Ok anyway, now to tell about my week so far. I'm fucking sick again. Dammit. I hate not being able to taste my food. Ok much to tell. We started new music in started a movie in Spanish...but we got new seats on Friday, so Laura's across the room and we were laughing at the same things during the movie but we couldn't say anything to eachother! Grr! Oh, Nacho brought a portable DVD player...before Spanish started, half the class was gathered around his desk and we were watching Two Towers...Matt W. came and stood right in front of me and at first I was like "hey!" but then I realized his mondo ass was right there, so I was like "ok, maybe I can adjust" can't believe you guys don't like his's so...mmm...anyway, something funny happened with Drew in english today or yesterday, but I can't remember what...I got a B on my history test, my second straight B all year! YAYAYAYAYA!!! I had to fucking walk all the way home today...I was in sooooooo much pain by time I got there! Tonight at Dan's movie night, me and Kevin C.D. got there first. Dan showed us these hilarious baby pics of his...they were sooooooooooooo funny!!!!! OMG...I was dying laughing...After Kevin M. got there (Drew had a game) we went upstairs and watched a movie by the same guy that did Suspiria. It was nowhere as good or as scary, but it had some really good parts. One part that pretty much made the whole movie worthwhile was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. I'm not gonna say it now bc I'll freak myself out, though. lol. I keep thinking about it, and it's scaring me. Anyway, the movie and the other stuff we watched weren't that great, but, as always, the ongoing commentary made it sooooo much fun!!!!! Kevin drove me home again...I showered, then got on the computer and FINALLY updated!!!! Ok, I think that's all...for now, anyway...if I forgot anything good I'll add it a different time. So, until then, BYE!!!
Enchantment Passing Through - Aida
To sail away to half-discovered places
To see the secrets so few eyes have seen
To see moments of enchantment on our faces
The moments when we smile and those between
AIDA: (spoken) Are you talking about Nubia now?
RADAMES: (spoken) Yes, in a way...
If I could leave this place then I'd go sailing
To corners of my land where there would be
Sweet southern winds of liberty availing
A beauty so majestic and so free...
RADAMES: (spoken) I will take you sailing... south... you can be my guide!
(sung) There'd be no ties of time and space to bind me...
And no horizon I could not pursue...
I'd leave the world's misfortunes far behind me...
I'd put my faith and trust in something new...
BOTH: But why should I tell you this
AIDA: A stranger I've just met
A woman who I hardly know at all and should forget!
A journey we can only dream of...
Enchantment passing through
And how is it I say these things
So easily to you?
RADAMES: (spoken)
I'll never take you sailing! I'm never going to leave Egypt again!
AIDA: (spoken)
You talk as though you've been enslaved. If you don't like your fate, change it!
You are your own master, there are no shackles on you!
So don't expect any pity or understanding from this humble palace slave!
And why did I tell her this
A stranger I've just met
A woman who I hardly know at all and will forget!
Anonymous and gone tomorrow...
Enchantment passing through....
And all I've done is tell her things
That she already knew
She knew...
She knew...